Morning everyone.
A balmy 11° f this morning.
Big excitement yesterday, I noticed that there were two city sand / plow trucks and two city white utility bed pickups at our intersection of Circle and Chevy drive yesterday, all the operators were walking around and looking at the ground, they mostly left around 11:00 and came back with a backhoe and some dump trucks, then the water was shut off until 3:30 while they dug up the road and did another repair in roughly the same area they had repaired about three years ago.
Wednesday January 22nd
Re: Wednesday January 22nd
Good morning. Cracked water line ? A heat wave here today. 52-77.
Re: Wednesday January 22nd
Morning. Nineteen degrees and a nineteen mph wind. The world is in harmony.
Another day of writing ahead of me. Last night, I finally got out of the house for the first time since Thursday. Haven't quite shaken this cold, but I haven't had one of those prolonged coughing fits for a couple of days. I reckon I'm good to go, mor e or less.
Another day of writing ahead of me. Last night, I finally got out of the house for the first time since Thursday. Haven't quite shaken this cold, but I haven't had one of those prolonged coughing fits for a couple of days. I reckon I'm good to go, mor e or less.
Mind the thorns.
Re: Wednesday January 22nd
21 here this morning. Should get up in the 40s with this sunshine today
21 here this morning. Should get up in the 40s with this sunshine today
Life is like riding a motorcycle. Balance is key, unless you’re at a stoplight and forget to put your feet down. Then, balance is just embarrassing.
Ride Free, Ride Hard
Ride Free, Ride Hard