Morning. 49 degrees, chance of thunderstorms later today.
Saw an article on turning all the concessions in Hot Springs State Park to the same out-of-state entity, thus pushing out the local people who've kept them going for years. How distressing and depressing to think all the places devoted to families are going to morph into upscale spas and amusement parks.
Thursday April 25
Re: Thursday April 25
Good morning
63-81, sunny but breezy.
Cactus flowers are all blooming.
63-81, sunny but breezy.
Cactus flowers are all blooming.
Re: Thursday April 25
Morning friends.
Re: Thursday April 25
Cloudy, breezy and a cool 70 here. I think I’ll go for a ride
Life is like riding a motorcycle. Balance is key, unless you’re at a stoplight and forget to put your feet down. Then, balance is just embarrassing.
Ride Free, Ride Hard
Ride Free, Ride Hard