Morning everyone.
16°f still mostly still air and no moisture predicted.
I can neither confirm or deny I have seen a private sign.
Wednesday December 18th
Re: Wednesday December 18th
Morning. Overcast, 41 degrees, with a good 30+mph wind blowing. We got just enough of a snow squall yesterday to make us hopeful, but it didn't last. Very nice late October weather. I'd go out and do some more yard work, but the only thing left is some tree pruning, which is not best done in a high wind. I'm doing a class on wolverines and badgers at the college this afternoon. Guess I'll go over my notes instead.
Mind the thorns.
Re: Wednesday December 18th
Morning folks.
Don't you both live kind of near each other?
Don't you both live kind of near each other?
Life is like riding a motorcycle. Balance is key, unless you’re at a stoplight and forget to put your feet down. Then, balance is just embarrassing.
Ride Free, Ride Hard
Ride Free, Ride Hard
Re: Wednesday December 18th
We're about two hours apart. Roy and I met Tom at the Red Lodge ride. Tom was in charge of tagging along behind me to make sure my Virago and I didn't get lost while the Harleys roared ahead twenty miles over the speed limit. My 1997 1100 Virago wouldn't go that fast. We also met at one of the Texas rides, but we haven't had the pleasure of meeting his wife. Haven't managed to get together for a soak in the hot springs and a malt at Dairyland, but maybe one of these days.
Mind the thorns.